UDL Course: “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines and Strategies” 

Who would benefit from this course:

  • Educators and parents who are interested in providing engaging educational opportunities that maximize each student’s learning potential.
  • School leaders and instructional team members who would like to implement inclusive educational opportunities for all students, and continuously improve teaching and learning for diverse learners at their schools.

This course was designed to provide teachers, school leaders, and parents with an in-depth understanding and examples of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, guidelines, and strategies. UDL is a framework for inclusive education that maximizes learning opportunities for individuals with varying learning styles and abilities, supporting the development of students who are engaged, motivated, and strategic.

Research for this course was conducted by Dr. Golnar Abedin and supported by the DC Special Education Coop to promote inclusive instructional techniques both in the classroom, and during COVID school closures in virtual settings.

The course explains each of the three UDL principles, Multiple Means of Engagement, Multiple Means of Representation, and Multiple Means of Action and Expression, along with accompanying guidelines and strategies (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/), that can be implemented to enhance learning in classrooms, at home, and in virtual settings.

The last session of the course includes practical tools created by various organizations supporting UDL practices; these resources guide continuous improvement on the UDL journey to ensure all students can access learning opportunities and take ownership of their own growth.

Golnar Abedin, Ph.D.

Golnar Abedin completed her doctoral studies in organizational leadership and education policy at the University of Maryland, her master’s degree in special education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Rutgers University.

Dr. Abedin began her professional career as a special education teacher in New York City public schools. In 2011, she founded Creative Minds International PCS, with the goal of providing a high-quality, inclusive, international, and arts-based public school option for students in Washington, D.C. She designed the School program and curriculum based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, in order to support all students, including those with disabilities, maximize their learning potential. As the Head of School, she led Creative Minds PCS from 2012-2019, growing the program to serve students from preschool through middle school.

Dr. Abedin currently works as an inclusive education consultant and clinical faculty member at Johns Hopkins University, School of Education/Urban Teachers program. She applies her expertise to support teachers, school leaders, and organizations that are improving educational opportunities for underserved students.


  Part 1: Review of UDL Framework and Principles
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 2: Multiple Means of Engagement
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 3: Multiple Means of Representation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 4: Multiple Means of Action and Expression
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 5: UDL Tools and Resources to Plan Your Next Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll

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